St Mary of the Visitation, Ottumwa Iowa S

You might already know that …….

The Catholic Messenger is the official newspaper of the Diocese of Davenport, and is a great resource for information on events and happenings in and around the Diocese, and is a real bargain at just $30 for 50 issues per year, and you can receive it in paper or electronic form – or both!

But did you know…….

The Catholic Messenger is NOT a free publication? When parishioners don’t pay for their subscription – the Parish is held responsible.

If you are currently receiving The Catholic Messenger and you have not submitted your subscription payment for 2025, please do so ASAP.


Payment checks should be made out to


You may mail payment directly to the Messenger, or you can drop it in the weekly collection, or mail it to the Parish Office (222 N Ward).


Thank you!!


We are the people of St. Mary of the Visitation Church, a multicultural Catholic Christian parish in Ottumwa, Iowa. We are growing in commitment to Christ, proclaiming the Good News and offering charity to all.

New Title

Dear parishioners,

Here are the top three suggestions for the name of the new Ottumwa parish.  Since I am needing to be with my family, I am postponing the date of the next joint Parish Council meeting. Once I am back, the new meeting date will be determined. It will be at that meeting that the Parish Council will vote on the new name. After that, I will write a letter to the Bishop to get his formal approval at the Presbyteral Council meeting in May. Then the hard work continues, wherein we will need to look at all the details involved in this merger. 


               *     St. Joseph

               *     St. Nicholas

               *     St. John Paul II


There are many possible names, most of which would certainly be great, but we need to eventually choose one. I realize this may be a very emotional concern for some, so I ask for your understanding. Please remember that each church building will retain its name; it is the name of the new parish that needs to be decided upon. 

I invite you to pray for the discernment of God's voice in guiding our Parish Council in arriving at a name that will inspire the Catholic community of Ottumwa to "leave everything behind, follow Jesus, and become fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19)

Blessings, Fr. Joseph Sia

You may speak in person with any Parish Council member to

express your thoughts on the new names. Or email these members.       


Parish Council members/Miembros del consejo parroquial

St. Mary's of the Visitation: Ed Wilson, Merlin Bueltel, Pam Ward, Ted Haas, Pablo Martinez, Mary Conlon.
St. Patrick: Robert LaPoint, Cindy Smith, Denis Anstey, Susan Cenci, Sandy Mottet, Bob McCright, Steve Parsons, John Smith, Jane Thomas, Michele Weber, Laura Bates-Glenn, Kathy Wilson.


 Parish Offices and Hours

As part of the clustering of parishes in Ottumwa and Bloomfield, the parish offices for the Ottumwa parishes have been consolidated into one location at the St. Patrick parish rectory:

Office Address:

222 N. Ward St, Ottumwa

Phone: 641-682-4559

Office Hours:

 Closed Monday

Tuesday - Friday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Annual Diocesan Appeal 2024-2025

If you have not yet pledged or donated to the Annual Diocesan Appeal, please consider making a pledge or donation at this time.

The Annual Diocesan Appeal is your opportunity to assist our parish, the Diocese and the universal church. The ADA gives us the opportunity to act together as a family of faith and support the programs and services no single individual or parish can offer by themselves. Your gift is important. Every gift, regardless of size, is vital to the success of the Appeal. Your pledges and gifts will help to assure that the ADA will be able to continue building the faith community throughout the Diocese of Davenport.

Parishes being served by two Priests

 The parishes of St. Mary of the Visitation, St. Patrick and St. Mary Magdalen of Bloomfield have one Pastor and one Associate Pastor. 

Father Joseph Sia is the pastor of the three parishes.

Father Ben Snyder has been our Parochial Vicar since July 1, 2024.

The parish offices and bulletin have been combined but operations and finances will remain separate.


Mass Times for St Mary of the Visitation

   St Mary of the Visitation

       Saturday: No Mass

 8:30 am live-streamed on St Mary of the Visitation Facebook page         

11:00 AM (Spanish) - live-streamed on St Mary of the Visitation Facebook page

Daily Mass:   (See calendar for deviations from the normal schedule.)

Monday - Wednesday:  5:15 PM (English) 

Thursday: No Mass

Friday: 5:15 PM (Spanish)


Wednesday:  5:45pm - 6:15pm at St Mary of the Visitation

Friday:  7:15am - 7:45am at St Patrick

Saturday: 3:00pm - 4:00pm at St Patrick

Sunday:  5:00pm - 5:15pm at St Mary Magdalen (Bloomfield)

Parishioners are always welcome to make an appointment for confession

by calling either the 

St Patrick or St Mary's parish office.

Other Weekend Masses in the Area:

St Patrick, Ottumwa   - Saturday 4:30 PM (English)

     - Sunday 9:00 AM (English)

     - Daily Mass:  8:00 AM  Tuesday thru Friday (No Mass on Monday)


St Mary Magdalen, Bloomfield Sunday 5:30 PM (English)

UPCOMING EVENTS - Also see the Calendar for daily schedules

Join us for Coffee and Rolls after 8:30am Sunday Mass

5th Sunday Pancake Breakfast -March 30

KC Hall 123 W 3rd St 8:30am-11:30am


(no coffee & rolls after mass)

Proceeds to benefit Heartland Pregnancy Center

Enjoy great food, fellowship &

help support a great cause!


Stations of the Cross at St. Mary of the Visitation.

Fridays during lent after the 5:15pm Mass.

Give online to the work of the church

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